All posts by dev.login

Why is Diligent Due Diligence Important?

Why is Diligent Due Diligence Important?

Background The main value of many technology merger or acquisition deals may not lie in tangible property like buildings or stock inventory. Often the value lies in intellectual property (IP), and patents in particular. It is common practice for companies to monitor the R&D activities of others, particularly smaller innovators.  This is done with a… Read more »

AA Thornton IP LLP Partners receive additional awards

AA Thornton IP LLP Partners receive additional awards

AA Thornton IP LLP wishes to thank our clients for making us your first choice for intellectual property in 2022, and for recommending us for yet another intellectual property award. We were delighted that this week’s publication of IAM’s ‘Strategy 300 Global Leaders 2023’ recognised Mike Jennings, a partner in our patent team, as a… Read more »

ChatGPT – the AI powered chatbot

ChatGPT – the AI powered chatbot

On the 30 November 2022 an artificial intelligence powered chatbot was launched, ChatGPT. Under very little fanfare, the chatbot, created by Elon Musk founded company, OpenAI, went live and in little under a week had amassed more than 1 million registered users.   What is it? ChatGPT is a large language model developed by… Read more »

First use of STEALTH mark prevails

First use of STEALTH mark prevails

Retail team member Sarah Neil reviews a recent UK IPO decision which assesses what kind of use is sufficient to make a party the ‘senior user’ of a mark. The matter started in early 2014 when ABP Technology Limited (“ABP”) developed a range of Virtual Reality headsets under the mark STEALTH VR and began promoting… Read more »

