Knowledge Hub

Has the UK IPO been incorrectly applying the address for service rules in relation to International Registrations? Find out what Geoffrey Hobbs QC, sitting as the Appointed Person, thinks and what this might mean for overseas trade mark holders and their attorneys.

The UK IPO has suspended a number of cases while it considers the implications of Geoffrey Hobbs’ decision in O/681/22. The facts of the case An invalidity action was filed against a UK designation and the UK IPO sent a notification by registered post to the Australian holder of the International registration.  The notification included… Read more »

Joint Webinar for AIPLA and CIPA 10 January 2023

As featured on CIPA’s website: “Patentability tips and tricks at the USPTO and EPO” has something for every prosecution practitioner. Mike Jennings, partner and European Patent Attorney at highly rated AA Thornton IP LLP in London, and member of CIPA’s Computer Technology Committee, will tackle the challenging and ever-changing landscape of computer-implemented inventions giving you… Read more »

Important Change to “Ten Day Rule” of the EPC

Author: Leonita Paulrja   On 14 October 2022, the Administrative Council of the European Patent Office (EPO) voted to remove the ‘ten day rule’ under Rule 126(2) EPC. Under current EPO practice, unless it can be shown to be later, a notification is deemed to be made ten days after the date shown on the communication (even… Read more »

EPO announce Video Conference as default format of Oral Proceedings

EPO President António Campinos has announced that from 1 January 2023 video conference (VICO) will be the default format of Oral Proceedings before the examining and opposition divisions, the Legal Division and the Receiving Section.   Oral Proceedings “…may be held on the premises of the European Patent Office, either at the request of a… Read more »

Trademarking in the Metaverse and Non-Fungible Tokens – virtually pointless? Follow up

In January 2022 we published an article relating to the Metaverse entitled: Trademarking in the Metaverse and Non-Fungible Tokens – virtually pointless? Trademarking in the Metaverse and Non-Fungible Tokens – virtually pointless? – AA Thornton Thanks to IPKat for reporting (here) the decision of the Rome Court of First Instance in relation to a preliminary… Read more »

Cambridge Engineers Crack Cement Conundrum

Cambridge Engineers file patent to world’s first zero emissions cement Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world.  It is strong, durable and versatile.  Cement is a key ingredient that makes up concrete, along with water, sand and gravel, and acts as the binding material, hardening with water and tying together all… Read more »

Ironman? Superman – PART 3

PART 1 can be read here PART 2 can be read here   Part 3 – The Bike After looking at the technology behind the goggles and swimsuit of Matthews and Blummenfelt in our earlier articles (links above) we now take a brief look at arguably the most high-tech piece of kit – the bike…. Read more »

She-Hulk in Trade Mark Trouble

In the ever-expanding Marvel Universe, their latest Disney + offering follows the life of Jen Walters, an LA Attorney and newly turned superhero following an accidental blood cross-contamination with her cousin Bruce Banner. Of all the lessons of heroism and sacrifice that can be taken from the superhero world, Episode 5 of She-Hulk; Attorney At… Read more »

UKIPO issues guidance on protecting AI innovations

In September 2022, the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) published guidelines setting out the practice within the IPO for the examination of patent applications for inventions relating to Artificial Intelligence (AI). This guidance follows the government’s response to a call for views on AI and intellectual property, which committed the IPO to publish these enhanced… Read more »

