
Crocs loses its bite…

In March 2018 the General Court held that the Registered Community Design No 257001-0001 owned by Crocs, Inc was invalid as it was lacking in novelty on the basis of prior disclosures of its design. A proprietor of a Registered Community Design (RCD) right has a 25 year monopoly on its design which gives them… Read more »

The pitfalls of online shopping

UK shoppers spend almost £1 in every £5 via the internet, with 59% of online sales made through smartphones or tablets.1 With accessibility and ease to shop online for just about anything, it is not difficult to be drawn to third-party sites offering seemingly unbeatable prices for products and, in particular for designer goods. The… Read more »

February Focus on China

Article 2 Chinese sub-classification system China adopts the Nice Classification of Goods and Services, but additionally uses a sub-classification system which is unique to China. In China, each of the Nice classes has been further divided into sub-classes of goods or services. The sub-classes are structured according to the features of the goods and services… Read more »

