Mike Jennings takes on new roles in SACEPO for 2024-2026 term

EPO Office - SACEPO - Mike Jennings

AA Thornton IP LLP is committed to playing a proactive role in supporting and enhancing the European patent system. In alignment with this commitment, our partner, Mike Jennings, will extend his involvement with the Standing Advisory Committee before the European Patent Office (SACEPO) by taking on two new roles for the 2024-2026 term.

Mike will contribute his expertise and insights to the guidelines and quality working groups, key areas that align with our firm’s dedication to fostering innovation and supporting clients in achieving their commercial goals.

We value the opportunity to work closely with the EPO and other stakeholders through SACEPO, ensuring the European Patent System continues to evolve to meet the needs of innovators and businesses alike. We’re pleased that our partner’s contributions to the Standing Advisory Committee will positively impact the broader IP community.

SACEPO serves as an advisory body to the European Patent Office (EPO), facilitating dialogue between the EPO and its users. It consists of representatives from various sectors like industry, patent attorneys, and academia, advising on patent law and practice. The committee plays a key role in influencing EPO’s policies and procedures, promoting innovation and economic growth in Europe.

About Mike: Mike is a Partner at AA Thornton IP LLP and an experienced UK & European Patent Attorney, specialising in physics-related and computer-related inventions. His expertise spans AI, simulation, quantum computing and sensing/measurement technologies. Recognised as a leader in his field by WIPR and IAM Strategy 300, Mike actively engages with the UKIPO and serves as Vice Chair of CIPA’s Computer Technology Committee. He plays significant roles within AIPPI and the IP Owners Association, contributing his vast knowledge and experience.

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