WIPO Green: A forum for green technology

Author: Lucy O’Brien


WIPO Green launched in 2013 as an online database for users to exchange needs and solutions in the field of green technology, with green technology being defined in by the United Nations as technologies that “protect the environment, are less polluting, use all resources in a more sustainable manner, recycle more of their wastes and products, and handle residual waste in a more acceptable manner than the technologies for which they were substitutes”. The platform was created with the aim of addressing technology challenges in the green economy; supporting green technology innovators; connecting entrepreneurs with inventors to help improve access to funding; and encouraging demand-drive innovation. An improved version of WIPO Green was launched in 2021 with new and improved features including integration with PatentScope (WIPO’s database of international patent applications), more accurate searching and a personalisable user dashboard.

The online platform aims to connect providers of environmentally sustainable solutions with users. Users upload their technology needs to the platform and are automatically matched with technology providers and patent applications related to those needs. This allows users with a particular need to connect with providers who can meet that need. The platform also provides services and tools for start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises including a checklist of things to consider when entering into a licensing agreement and an intellectual property (IP) strategy checklist to provide an overview of the key IP considerations when developing a new product. The platform has successfully resulted in the acceleration of many projects, including a venture in Indonesia, which was looking for technology to aid the treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME), and a project in Latin America, which was looking for sustainable methods of agriculture and soil re-carbonization. The WIPO Green network can help users to exchange ideas, develop products or processes, and enable collaboration to drive further innovation.

If you are interested in registering as a user of WIPO Green, this can be done through the WIPO website (https://www3.wipo.int/wipogreen/en/joinus/) by submitting details of your green technology and/or your green technology needs. If you would like any further information about using WIPO Green, please contact Lucy O’Brien (lco@aathornton.com) who would be very happy to assist.



Category: News | Author: Lucy O'Brien | Published: | Read more


