Prosecuting green patents around the world

Prosecuting green patents around the world

The UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) launched the Green Channel in 2009. The Green Channel is a scheme which allows applicants to request accelerated prosecution of patent applications directed to an invention which has an environmental benefit.

Since the launch of the green channel in the UK, a number of other patent offices have launched similar schemes which allow applicants who file patent applications directed to “green technology” to request fast-tracked prosecution. These applications could range from waste recycling systems to renewable materials. These schemes are particularly beneficial for individuals or companies who want to prosecute applications quickly and obtain granted patent rights as soon as possible. This can help give companies greater confidence when launching products on the market as well as help attract investment to expand their organisation, increase production capacity or develop additional, innovative products.

Most patent offices use a similar process for processing applications for fast-tracked prosecution, which process involves applicants providing a letter or a statement explaining why the technology in the patent application offers an environmental benefit. If this is accepted by the patent office, the application is fast tracked, either via the search process, the examination process of both. This can reduce the time from filing an application to grant from years to months. Different countries which offer these accelerated mechanisms are outlined below.

If you would like more information about green patents and how best to protect your intellectual property, please contact Marianne Privett or Lucy O’Brien.

Category: Latest Insights | Author: Lucy O'Brien, Marianne Privett | Published: | Read more

